How Much do Franchises Actually Make? Food, Cleaning, Senior Care & More

Source: FC

How much do franchises actually make, and why is this information impossible to find? We look at 5 of the biggest names in food compare with popular industries like beauty, cleaning, senior care, staffing and more. We'll also explore franchises that can make as much or more as some of the big name food franchises, for an investment that is 10X less. According to a Franchise Business Review report, 51.5 percent of food franchises earn profits of less than $50,000 a year; only about 7 percent of food franchises have profits over $250,000. The average profit for all restaurants in the report was $82,033. You can see a very small amount of food franchises earn decent money and many owners are struggling or have bought themselves a job. Also keep in mind, if you are looking at a very established big name franchise, you get the leftovers in terms of territory. In most cases the owners making the most money are the locations that opened up long ago and received the best territories. And this is an argument we often hear, someone knows someone who owns 10 Dunkin Donuts and they did well, yes, but they bought them 20 years ago. There is 20 years worth of competition that has built up since that time.

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